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Thank you for visiting C.Japan!



Over 50 years in Coral Business & Started Japanese Akoya Pearl Business

Coral Business is becoming extremely difficult due to recent super extreme sore of the price of coral rough materials.
We closed our actual coral wholesale shop in 2018 and we are mainly selling stocks from that time now.
We are a very small business from Japan, owner Hayaki and wife Akiko operate C.Japan. Just two of us do all the posting, shipping and messaging.

Here is our history:

To introduce myself, I, Hayaki have been in coral business over 25years.
Our company was established in 1967 by my father, and started to export raw coral materials overseas. He and his company staff made coral loose and sold in Japan.

After I started coral business, I started a wholesale shop in Tokyo and sold coral loose both made by us and by our business partners, both in Japan and overseas. We mainly dealt in natural precious coral, sponge coral, bamboo coral and also sold some other jewelry and accessory loose and products.

However, the price of coral raw material soared in past ten years, and it became difficult to continue coral wholesale business, and we closed our wholesale shop in 2018.
(Price of coral raw material is still continuing to soar now mainly due to extremely high demand from China and scarcity of bigger high-grade coral materials.)
Now a days, we only do very small production of polish smaller coral branches.
Please understand that many of the coral items are difficult to restock and custom orders and many of the requests are difficult.

We have started to sell at Etsy since April, 2019.

We have started C.Japan (this shop) since Jan. 2024.

We restarted to deal with some amount of Akoya pearls which we basically get from the auction held by the Pearl Association Iseshima, Mie prefecture from Sep. 2021.

For more details please read About C.Japan.

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